Handlebar Mount VICMA 241PL
![Brand product for motorbikes - Handlebar Mount VICMA](https://cdn.autodoc.de/brands/thumbs/100415.png?m=0)
- Universal: Yes
- Colour: silver
- Item number: 241PL
- Our price: £ 27,32
- Manufacturer: VICMA
- EAN number: 8430525086869
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FAQ: Frequently asked questions
Your car parts experts autodoc.co.uk
P.M.: I have a 2019 TMax 530 and l want to fit handlebar mirrors to the brake levers, preferably round ones. Can you tell me if this is the correct one please?
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Thank you for your question.
The requested Handlebar Mount 241PL VICMA is a universal item and it should be chosen according to the required sizes and parameters.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
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the autodoc.co.uk team
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